How good are you at follow-up? You know, that is where the money is.
I was talking with a few of my clients who had returned from Quilt Market with lots of follow-up items. Some were clearly immediate, such as filling orders, and those got processed right away. The problem for my clients was that they came back with all these notes that weren’t really money related or where they couldn’t see the clear money connection or where they couldn’t remember the conversation. Plus they felt overwhelmed getting back in gear. And, the follow-up is in question.
What I have found through the years is that when I pay attention to following up on a consistent and timely basis, it lets me build better relationships, which is really my goal, and that means adding to my business bottom line. Here are some ideas to help you with follow up.
Plan your follow-up before the event. I have a small notebook that I bring every year when I go to Quilt Market or other shows. I track ideas that come to me, connections I make, and important follow-up that is needed. If I take someone’s business card, I can staple or tape it into the notebook with comments so I’ll remember what I need to do when I get back to the studio.
Organize your list and prioritize. Who needs to be contacted first and by when? Consider which items will bring you the greatest return. Set aside time in your calendar for the follow-up. Try to do this within the first few days after the contact. It may take several sessions.
Determine the goal for follow-up. Do you want to get a distributor to pick up your pattern line? Do you need more information for your next step in a project? Do you need someone to make an introduction for you?
Consider your options for follow up. Email may be easiest and fastest. In today’s social media savvy world, connecting online may be appropriate. You also might consider making a phone call, leaving a voice mail or writing a personal note. You are better able to express you energy through a phone call. And, so few of us receive handwritten notes that they are often remembered. Regardless of the method you choose, just take action and follow up.
Do you have a method that you use to streamline and follow through with follow-up? I invite you to leave your comment below or share your thoughts and comments on the ICAP Facebook or Google+ pages.
Simple strategies for better results with less effort.